What's an ETA?

ETA is the items estimated time of arrival. The ETA will be listed for every preorder. Please know this is NOT a guaranteed date, but is approximate. We will ship items within 2-3 days of receiving each shipment. Please choose sizing accordingly to the ETA's listed.


There is a personalization box on every product page, but not every product can be personalized. ONLY name smocks or items that show 'customizable' in the listing are able to be personalized. If you have questions or have a custom order request requiring personalization, please email us or send us a message under the contact tab.

How many letters can go on a name smock?

Typically 11. If you have a specific name or phrase and are unsure, reach out. Spaces do not count.We will reach out if we see a name or phrase come through that is too long.

I need help with sizing!

Please refer to our sizing charts or ask for help from others in our facebook group. Please pay attention to the listing on each product page before purchasing as fabric type is listed. For example, knit has a stretch to it whereas woven is more stiff. If you still are unsure, please reach out to us.